Tennis ProCoach is the latest generation app, developed to help you get the most from your serve. Technologies such as "Artificial intelligence" and "Computer Vision" make it possible to analyze your tennis serve in a few seconds on your mobile phone. Just record the video of your serve (or your tennis partner) and the app will do the rest. You will get the list of possible issues with screenshots and short description, where you should pay more attention to improve your serve.
At the moment, app can identify several tennis serve issues:
1) Body weight backward - Body weight transfers backward instead of into the court.
2) Two legs landing - Landing on two legs instead of landing on the front leg and having back leg kicking backward.
3) Balance when landing - Body is leaning to the left and back leg goes to the side.
4) Foot fault - The feet on the baseline before the contact with the ball.
5) Elbow at trophy position - Elbow is not bent enough (arm is too straight).
6) Elbow high at trophy position - Elbow is too high at trophy position.
7) Knee flexion - Knees are not flexed enough.
8) Elbow close at trophy position - Elbow is too close to the body.
1)体重落后 - 体重转移落后的,而不是到了法院。
2)两条腿着陆 - 着陆两条腿代替降落在前腿和具有后腿向后踢。
3)余额降落时 - 身体是一边倒的左侧和后腿转到一边。
4)脚踏故障 - 上与球的接触之前基线的脚。
5)在弯头奖杯位置 - 弯头是不够的弯曲(臂太直)。
6)肘高在奖杯位置 - 弯头太高在奖杯位置。
7)屈膝 - 膝盖不弯曲不够。
8)弯头报收于奖杯位置 - 弯头太靠近身体。